dimecres, 2 de desembre del 2015



This film is about a family with six daughters. They move out to a farm. On them first day, their dog doesn't want to enter in the house and one daughter discovers a basement. On next morning they started to perceive strange things. The mother wakes up with bruises in her arms and he finds the dog dead in the garden, the clocks stop at 03:07, they hear strange sounds and laughs in the basement, one daughter sees and spirit on the wardrobe, a doll appeared in the house ...

They are frightened and the mother decides to phone paranormal experts to help them. This experts are Ed and Lorraine Warren. They investigate in the house and they discover that in this house lived a woman accused of wirchcraft. She gave her son to the Devil and then she commited suicide with a rope. She's spirit is in the house...

dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2015


WHO INVENTED THE G.N.? Horace Walpole, was the inventor of the gothic novel.

WHAT WAS THE FIRST G.N.?  The Castle of Otranto was the first gothic novel.

WHEN WAS IT FIRST PUBLISHED?  It first published in 1764.

  • Setting in a castle
  • Omens, portents, visions
  • High, even overwrought emotion.
  • An ancient prophecy
  • Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male
  • Necromancer
  • Dismal
  • Melancholy
  • Goblins
  • Prophecy
  • Spectre

Who's the director of this movie Psycho? The director of this movie is Alfred Hitchcock.

What type of characters did he often use in horror films? The type of character he use in his horror movies are a woman and a murderer.

What technique did he use with the camera? He use of the subjective camera to reveal a character's vision, and he likes black and white scenes.


The comic relief is a innclusion of a humorous or funny scene, character, or witty dialogue in a serious work. It is often used in horror films to relieve tension. I laugh in horror films when character die, and apear a lot of blood. It is make me laughing. Expedient Warren is an exemple of it. in a part of the film, appear a fat spirit and kill a character. in this scene I laugh every time when I see it.

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2015


My dream is to become a professional basketball player and play ina an NBA team, in the maximum league of the world. Is difficult achieve it because there are a lot of people they want to play in the NBA. In this world there are a lot of basketballs players and persons they like basketball, but only a little part of this people become professional players. My solutions to achieve my dream are work hard and train a lot, listen and learn for my coaches and veterans of this game, respect the opponents always, and perfect my basketball abilities. If I do all of it, my dream is possible, but is very complicate. Now I'm playing in C.B. L'Escala, and I like it and I like my coach and my teammates.

My idol is Lebron James. He is a basketball player. He is a membre of Cleveland Cavaliers roster, in the NBA. He is my role model. I think my dream is possible, because I love basketball.

dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2015


I agree with the score of my musical intelligence because I like playing and listening to music, I play the drums. I can also read music scores.

I don't agree with the result of my interpersonal intelligence  because I think it is too high and my linguistic and logical intelligences are very low according to the test.

I agree with the score of my kinaesthetic intelligence because I'm in a basketball team and I need this intelligence in every match.

I agree with the result of my visual and spatial intelligence because I like painting and drawing and I'm good at those.

I agree with the score of my natural intelligence. I don't have a big natural vocabulary about plants but I don't destroy them and I like animals.

I agree with the result of my intrapersonal intelligence because I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself.

According to the graphic diagram my strong abilities are musical, interpersonal, kinaesthetic and visual/spatial, and my weak abilities are linguistic, logical and intrapersonal intelligences.

My best ability is musical intelligence and my worst ability is linguistic intelligence.

dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015


Living with very large feet - level 3
A man from Venezuela broke the Guiness World Record for the largest feet. His European foot size is 59 and his UK size is 18. He grew normally but at 10 years old his family took him to the doctor's and they found that his pituitary gland was malfuntioning and causing his feet to overgrow. He was bullied at school and so now he is helping others.


dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2015

What animal is inside you?

In the English class we did a test to know what animal is inside us. When I finished all the questions, the result of the test was:


I agree that I’m talented, creative, artistic, and I like painting, writing, theater… like a rooster, but I disagree that roosters are like me regarding eccentric and sophisticated behaviour, and I don’t have a thorough knowledge of fine wines, or any of the other wines. Roosters are good cooks but I don’t know anything about cooking. I agree that I always have high-energy, like them.

Roosters love being the centre of attention. They are only happy if people are talking to or about them. When they buy cars, clothes, furniture, they always buy the highest quality products and they spend a lot of money. In this aspect, I’m not like the roosters. I don’t like to have expensive products or brand clothing, I’m a down to earth person, and I don’t need to be the centre of attention like them.

The rooster's active mind is always working on a way to create more drama in its life. I’m not like that. I agree that the rooster is a solid friend. You can always be counted on to be honest and frank. I’m a solid friend too.

They are the earliest to get up, but I’m the last one to get up in my house. I love sleeping.

A rooster is a very efficient worker. When it comes to commanding, he is an demanding boss, and he isn’t a team player. I’m an efficient and creative worker too, but I don’t like being a boss or commanding the workers, I like being on the same level as my companions, and I’m a team player, I think things are better and go better when we work together.  

dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2015


This is my hero, Pere. He is my grandad. He likes riding his bike, growing his garden, and feeding his hens. He doesn't like staying at home. He is retired but he was a butcher. He is hard-working, resolute and patient. When he was young his challenge was to become a butcher. His solution was to work a lot and he achieved his challenge and he opened a butcher's.

He is my hero because, this year, he had an operation because he had cancer. When the operation was finished, we returned home and he never lost his smile. He is a courageous person, and he is very strong and brave. He is my hero.

dimarts, 22 de setembre del 2015


  • Do flyboarding.
  • Meet Michael Jordan.
  • Play basketball in a NBA team.
  • Speak a lot of languages.
  • Have a lot of money.
  • Live in a big house.
  • Swim in a cage with sharks.
  • Do skydiving.
  • Sing in a Wiz Khalifa's videoclip.
  • Piss in front of Santiago Bernabeu.
  • Have a slap chop.
  • Not to cry when i'm cutting onions.